
4 Audio Reviews w/ Response

All 4 Reviews

This is indeed good. I like the synth parts to it. What are you using to create this? The piano is a nice touch. I would have added an ambient sounding guitar in there somewhere, but that's me. Overall I did in fact enjoy this piece.

M310N-Music responds:

Thank you!
I use FL Studio for all of my songs.
An ambient sound is a good idea, I hope to use that idea in another one of my songs, maybe after the climaxes.

I like this. Very cinematic indeed. Reminds me of the stuff you hear on previews for some sort of action adventure movie or the intro to a action T.V show

Qu4drupleForte responds:

Thanks! I was thinking the same thing by the time it was done.

This is a pretty good collaboration of I say so myself. Like the egg gong there with the thunder sound. Whay did you guys use to make this with? Awesome job guys.

M310N-Music responds:

Thank you!

FYI, all of us have fl studio.

I will listen to your songs and tell you what I think of them :)

This is an okay piece for your first. Though a bit repetitive it still is good. Try adding in more melody. Maybe try a harmony. What are you using to create this? I use Garageband on iPad Pro and it gives me the ability to use other options to add my own musical quirks along with the loops. If this isn't a use of loops and you are creating them good job. Feel free to critique my work.

M310N-Music responds:

Thank you for your reply. I made this song about a year ago, and I don't even know what I was doing back then, but I felt like this was one of the better ones, so I posted it.

Yes, it is a bit repetitive and needs more melody.

Here, listen to this song: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/769339
It's a new song in the same album. I feel like that one's much better :)

Writer of both stories and music. My musical works can be heard here. I have a creepypasta on the Creepypasta website titled "The Thing I Saw the Day my Friend Died." Also run a Tumblr page https://delusionsofmike.tumblr.com. Come check it out

Age 42, Male



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